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Zero Waste

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Zero Waste

Recycling Tips - Businesses


Provide Visible Clear Signage

Best practices for signage:

  • Large clear signage with images depicting what goes in each bin

  • Place sign at eye level

  • Provide sign in multiple languages if possible

Download and print signs for free here.




Color Code Your Bins

Use industry best practices in determining the coloring scheme for solid waste collection bins and signs.

  • Blue for Recycling

  • Green for Organics (Composting or Anaerobic Digestion)

  • Black for Trash


Communicate Information

Communicate Information

  • Train and communicate regularly to your staff, tenants, and occupants on how and what to recycle.

  • Set up a system for educating new tenants and staff.

Bundle Solid Waste Hauling

Bundling your trash and recycling contracts can often save money on disposal cost.

Emails and Newsletters

Communicate to tenants and employees regarding recycling information through emails and newsletters. Visit here for a sample email to tenants regarding the new recycling list.

Manage & Monitor Recycling Programs

Monitor your program to prevent contamination and track your progress towards waste reduction and diversion goals.