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Zero Waste

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Zero Waste

Special Waste - Residents

Some waste should not be disposed of in your recycling or trash bins. Below you will find a list of options for properly recycling or disposing of special waste.

Special Waste Residential Drop-Off
District residents can drop off many types of special waste at no cost. The location and dates for Special Waste Collection (including Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics, and documents to be shredded) can be found on DPW's website here. So that DPW can safely and efficiently serve you, pre-register for the events on Eventbrite here





Covered electronic equipment is banned from trash.

  • Drop off and recycling electronics at DPW's Special Waste Collection Events.
  • Find additional recycling options through the District's electronics stewardship program, eCYCLE DC. Note that only covered electronic equipment is accepted at these events. See eCYCLE DC for more information.



  • Visit one of the 20+ retail drop-off locations for single-use and rechargeable batteries in the District with Call2Recycle.
  • You can also drop off and recycle batteries at DPW's Special Waste Collection Events.
  • To safely store all used rechargeable batteries, tape the batteries at the ends with clear packing, masking or electrical tape.


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

  • HHW materials should NOT be put in trash or recycling bins.
  • Safely dispose of HHW at the at DPW's Special Waste Collection Events.
  • Visit here for a list of accepted and prohibited HHW items at DPW's Special Waste Collections Events.


CFL Lamps

Needles & Sharps

Prescription Drugs

Secure Document Shredding

  • Residents may bring up to 5 medium-sized boxes of secure, personal documents to the at DPW's Special Waste Collection Events. Please place documents such as junk mail, newspaper, and others not containing secure personal information in your household recycling bin. 
  • Local paper stores will offer shredding services for a small fee. 
  • Residents can purchase at-home shredding machine and recycling shredded documents securely by placing them in a paper bag, stapling the bag shut, and putting it in your recycling bin. 


  • For safe disposal, mattresses must be wrapped in plastic for bulk collection.
  • Call 311 to set up a bulk trash collection appointment.
  • Place your bulk items out no earlier than 6:30 pm the day before or no later than 6 am on your appointment day.