The Department of Public Works (DPW) collects trash and recycling from single-family homes and apartment buildings with three or fewer units. Apartment buildings with four or more units, mixed-use residential/commercial buildings, and commercial properties are required to provide their own recycling collection services. Visit here to learn more about the recycling requirements for businesses and commercial properties in the District.

Look up Collection Day
Use DPW’s Trash and Recycling Collection Day App to find your collection day(s).

Request New Recycling or Trash Bin
Call 311 or visit to request a new recycling or trash bin.

Report a Missed Collection
Report missed regular trash or recycling collection by calling 311 on If scheduled collection falls on a holiday, the collection will “slide” to the next day. Use the Slide Guide to see your holiday collection schedule.

Request Bulk Pickup
Do not dump illegally! Call 311 or visit to set up a bulk trash collection appointment.
Place your bulk items out no earlier than 6:30 pm the day before or no later than 6 am on your appointment day.

Repair Recycling or Trash Bin
Got a broken wheel, lift bar or lid? Call 311 or visit to request that repairs be made to your container bin.

Yard Waste Collection
Residents must call 311 or visit to make an appointment for yard waste collection. DPW will collect up to 20 paper bags of yard waste from residences that receive DPW trash and recycling collection services. Yard waste can also be dropped off at Fort Totten Transfer Station during normal business hours.

How to Prepare Collection Bins & Set-out Times
Place trash and recycling bins out no earlier than 6:30 pm the day before your collection day(s).
Return your trash and recycling bins to your property by 8 pm on your collection day.
Put all waste in green trash bins with tightly fitting lids.
Do not bag recyclables in plastic bags. Paper bags are okay, but loose is preferred. Trash should be in a plastic bag inside green trash bins.

Help Prevent Litter
Keep the public space around your property free of litter. This includes sidewalks, alleys, tree boxes, storm drains, and gutters.
Litter washes down storm drains and into lakes, rivers, and streams.